
Reminder: There will be a French class (both intermediate and beginners level) on Thursday November 2nd. There will be no other lectures the week October 30th - November 3rd.

French language
classes  begin on Thursday October 12th, 16h15-18h15
the classes for beginners: D432 Intermediate and advanced level: D116

First semester timetable:

The lectures start on Monday September 25th.

Lie groups and Lie algebras: on Monday 16h00-18h00 Salle René Baire, on Wednesday 10h00-12h00 Salle René Baire
Mathematical methods of quantum physics: on Tuesday 9h00-12h00 Salle René Baire
Riemann geometry and integrable systems: on Tuesday 14h00-16h00  Salle René Baire
(first lecture September 26th exceptionally at AE01)  and  on Thursday 10h00-12h00  AE01.

Research project proposals:

Giuseppe Dito (office A327 third floor)
Jose-Luis Jaramillo  (3 proposals) (office A323 third floor)
Christian Klein (3 proposals) (office A312 third floor)
Sebastien Leurent (office A331 third floor)
Luis Paris (office A334 third floor) and Emmanuel Wagner (office A322 third floor)
Gwénaël Massuyeau (office A414 forth floor) and Emmanuel Wagner (office A322 third floor)
Simona Rota-Nodari (office A233 second floor)
Peter Schauenburg (office A324 third floor)
Szymon Dolecki (office A407 fourth floor)
Shizan Fang (office A330 third floor)
Nikolai Kitanine (office A405 fourth floor)
Guido Carlet (office A404 fourth floor)

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